Business Immigration
Skilled Worker Visa
The Skilled Worker visa is the replacement visa category for Tier 2 (General) visa.
A Skilled Worker is expected to have relevant expertise, training and education in a particular field or profession. The Skilled Worker visa allows individuals to come and live in the UK to work for an approved sponsor in a skilled role.
What are the requirements?
To be eligible for a Skilled Worker Visa, you should meet these criteria:
- Have a job offer with a UK employer authorised by the Home Office to sponsor overseas workers.
- Obtain a 'certificate of sponsorship' from the employer, specifying your role in the UK.
- Perform a job that is categorised as an eligible occupation.
- Be paid a minimum salary, with the specific amount varying based on your job type and skill.
- You must be 18 years of age or older.
- You need a valid passport or other document that verifies your identity and nationality.
- Proof of English language knowledge.
- Have enough personal savings to show you are able to maintain yourself in the UK.

What can I do with a skilled worker visa?
It is important to comply with the terms of your visa and job category while resident on a Skilled Worker visa.
Additionally, there may be specific restrictions, such as the number of supplementary paid work hours you can undertake, so it is essential to stay informed and compliant with these requirements.
With a skilled worker visa in the UK, you are allowed to:
- Work in an eligible job.
- Study.
- Bring your partner and children with you as your 'dependants' if they meet the eligibility criteria.
- Take on additional work in certain circumstances.
- Engage in voluntary work.
- Apply to settle permanently in the UK, also known as 'indefinite leave to remain,' if you have lived in the UK for 5 years and meet other eligibility requirements.
What are you NOT allowed to do?
- Apply for benefits (public funds), or the State Pension.
- Change jobs or employer unless you apply to update your visa.
Why choose us?
Our highly trained immigration experts have a thorough understanding of the Skilled Worker visa requirements and application process.
We can help you with your application with tailored advice. We will provide you with:
- An honest opinion on the positives and negatives of your case.
- Advice on the skilled worker visa requirements specific to your circumstances.
- A customised evidence checklist.
- Assistance with preparing and submitting your application form and evidence.